COVID-19: Infection Centre in Ghana

Accra - Ghana

Against the background of the coronavirus pandemic and rising infection rates, the foundation stone for the construction of a centre for the treatment of infectious diseases was laid in the Ghanaian capital Accra on 24 April 2020.

The construction work was completed in record time – just 100 days – allowing inauguration of the facility on 24 July 2020.


The construction project was a private-sector initiative involving many professionals from the construction industry – not just architects and civil and structural engineers, but also manufacturers of construction chemicals such as MC-Bauchemie Ghana Ltd. The 48th Military Regiment of Ghana, which is also responsible for medical care, security and technical (construction) projects in Ghana, coordinated this unique project. Thanks to the CST 3D construction method, which is based on industrially prefabricated building panels – implemented for the first time in Ghana – and the impressive teamwork of everyone involved, the build was completed and the facility handed over in record time.

The award from the Ghanaian Government was accepted on behalf of MC Ghana by Christina A. Aikins on 14 August 2020.
The award from the Ghanaian Government was accepted on behalf of MC Ghana by Christina A. Aikins on 14 August 2020.
© MC-Bauchemie 2025

Resilient floors

Given the imperatives that the floors of the Centre for Infectious Diseases needed to both exhibit antimicrobial properties and be UV-stable, self-levelling MC-DUR coating systems from MC-Bauchemie were chosen for laying over an area of around 4,000 m². These durable, resilient epoxy resin systems are easy to apply. They also exhibit very high UV- and also good mechanical and chemical resistance, as well as excellent cleaning properties.

On 14 August 2020, the initiators of the project awarded all those responsible for ensuring its successful completion in such a short time with the "Citation of Honour”, a special accolade instituted by the Ghanaian government. Christina Adjoa Aikins, Marketing Manager of MC Ghana, accepted the award on behalf of her company.


As Unit R was scheduled to be shut down for lengthy maintenance purposes in 2020, Lausitz Energie AG decided to use the time to repair the inner shells of the cooling towers, and specifically to refurbish the existing surface protection system in some areas so as to prevent more severe damage occurring once operations restarted.


  • Name

    COVID-19: Infection Centre in Ghana

  • Country

    Accra - Ghana, 2021

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